Tuesday, July 17, 2012

St Bridget's News :)

So after much time away....I'MMM BAAACK!  Man, I really need to get some sort of routine going for my design stuff and what not.  Not having some sort of set schedule anymore is starting to get to me big time!

To help get this issue kick started in the right direction I spent yesterday afternoon / evening getting my new planner / art journal in order!  I am so VERY happy with how it turned out!  I'm so proud with myself and how my "winging it" idea came to life!  Ok well I had some help too! :)  While Pinteresting a few days ago I stumbled on a downloadable planner design that I didn't mind too much (well I rather enjoyed it really)...check out the original that inspired me here!  Although I do really enjoy this design, my OCD kicked in and I knew that there was just too much "off-kilter"  for me to willingly use the pages everyday!  So I decided to "borrow" the ideas I loved and make the planner my own!  With the whimsy and hand-drawn feel of Ms. Hawkins', but with a little bit more structure!

When it came to what to keep all of my organizing pages together with....I was a little stumped for a bit!  Initially I had just planned on using a thin 3-ring binder, but knew I didn't have one yet and that it may become a little bulky to keep with me when I'm not home.  While printing all of the pages in the Suana known as my office, I had an epiphony and decided to use my "Bits & Pieces" sketchbook I have had for months sitting on the shelf till I could decide what to use it for....now was the perfect time!
I'm so excited to see what comes about from this!  I made sure I left empty pages throughout as well as plenty of empty space on the pages for doodles, ideas, projects, Logan entertainment space, etc to allow this to be more that just a planner, but also a visual diary of how much my life really does RAWK!!!!

Till next time.....<3 Shan

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Where to go from here?

It has finally happened; after 11 years of attempting, failing, dreaming, & reattempting, I am officially a COLLEGE GRADUATE!  I never would have imagined it would finally happen after all of these years and all the events (good or bad) that have happened since my first attempt.

Even after almost a week of vegging at home and leaving long enough to go to my part-time job, it hasn't really sunk in that I'm not just on a school break for a few weeks!  I do miss all of my lovelies though :(  Feels like it's been forever since I have seen any of them!

I've began looking for a part-time "grown-up" job a little bit, but have decided to take it slow this week.   I think I deserve kind of a lazy week, right?

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Day# 76

Today I am thankful for getting to spend this wonderful day with my monkey :)  We ended up having quite a bit of fun today at the St Patty's Parade in CR!!!!  We ran into Shannon (SV hehe) and she helped get Logan a TON of beaded necklaces to make up for the lack of parade candy we got (I guess I'm a meany cuz I wouldn't let him stand in, literally, the middle of the street in the way just for candy!) :)

Today I smiled just listening to Logan go on while we waited for the parade to start :)  It just amazes me the things that boy thinks about and talks about and how much logic there is behind all of his thoughts, he is smart WAY beyond his years and makes me feel that much more excited to be his Mommy and get to see what lies in store for this little man :)  I love you Monkey Meat!!!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Day# 75

Today I was thankful for a day at home :)  Me and Logan got to spend the whole day in our jammies hangin' out at home :D  We got a bunch of stuff done around the house...the dishes are done, laundry is done, house picked up including cleaning the breezeway from the winter, the toy room and the computer room, the 3 rooms that are too cold to deal with in the winter :)  So my house is now back to the way is supposed to be :)  I even got my screens almost completely cleaned so I can make some more prints soon :)  Yay!  I can't wait to finally get the pillowcases done for our bedroom so I can hopefully get it in some sort of designed order :)

I smiled today when I bid on my very first item on ebay :D  I decided to bid on a diy shirt that says "vegan" on it!  Fingers crossed I will officially have my very first vegan shirt come tomorrow :)  It feel kind of weird in some way though.  I guess I don't feel quite so funny wanting a shirt like that since I've been doing the vegan thing for a year and a half now, but I guess in one aspect I almost feel like stuff like that is pushing your own views on others (I know I over-think things).  Yes I choose to be vegan, and love telling those who ask about it, but by no means do I want people to think I am trying to make EVERYONE choose my lifestyle.  It's a choice that I ran into that I choose to try out and it stuck, but I also understand that it's not for everyone.  There were quite a few shirts and items that I saw for sale that, for the clever factor were funny, but we quite rude if you ask me and are down right mean and that is not even close to what I am trying to go for.  But I am excited to make it known that yes I choose to be vegan and try and do my little part to get the word out about veganism to those I am around :)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day# 74

Today I am thankful/happy to say that I actually got off my bum and started exercising again! :)  Who knew that me of all people would ever be excited to excercise let alone RUN!!  Yes, I said RUN!  Not only that, but I did some yoga this morning as well! Woohoo! Now if I can just keep it up!!!  As Bryan and I were talking about it, I made a plan as to how to get a run in everyday, so now it's just a matter of doing it!!!!!  I'm optimistic still LOL

Today I smiled because, you guessed it, I RAN!!!!  It's been almost a year since I last went for a run so I'm super excited about this!!!  I was expecting to run a mile right off the bat since that's what I was able to last do, but I didn't stop and think about how long it had been since I last ran and how long it took me to get to that point, so I am quasi excited to say I ran about a 1/2 mile out of the whole mile, so I am going to be optimistic and say that that isn't too bad since I haven't done such a thing for so very long :)  Only can get better from that :D

Monday, March 14, 2011

Day# 73

I am VERY thankful for living in a HOUSE in the COUNTRY today!  It was so nice outside today that Logan and I decided to "play" outside this afternoon!  I was able to get almost 2 1/2 flower beds weeded and de-leafed and put down some mulch (well what little mulch I had), now just gotta figure out when Paul's gets their shipment of cocoa mulch so I can get some more!  I'm hoping to get atleast the one finished up so we can figure out what all we need to do to get it ready to become our strawberry patch :)  Me and Logan are so excited for strawberries, its gonna suck not having any this year!  Oh how I love the outdoors when it's not Antarctica!!!!

I smiled today watching Logan outside :)  It usually takes him a bit to warm up to it and he seems to get bored pretty fast outside, but that middle is awesome!  Watching him run around and "shoot the bad guys" and play with his giant legos :D  Today he told me he wanted to plant some acorns, when I asked him what you got from acorns his reply was, "Squirrels!"  Oh he cracks me up :D  Then he showed me exactly where he wants to plant his acorn tree.....right in the middle of the litte bit of backyard we have :) LOL

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Day# 72

So today I am thankful for my car running correctly again!  I was so excited to go to the store cuz I got to spend some much needed quality time with my little japanese beetle!  Oh how I missed it! hehe

Today I smiled because I was able to get all of my laundry COMPLETELY done and put away!  No more hanging everything up to dry around the house for this girl! :)  Altho I didn't mind not having a dryer, I forgot how nice it was to not look like a laundry mat on laundry day!