Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day# 74

Today I am thankful/happy to say that I actually got off my bum and started exercising again! :)  Who knew that me of all people would ever be excited to excercise let alone RUN!!  Yes, I said RUN!  Not only that, but I did some yoga this morning as well! Woohoo! Now if I can just keep it up!!!  As Bryan and I were talking about it, I made a plan as to how to get a run in everyday, so now it's just a matter of doing it!!!!!  I'm optimistic still LOL

Today I smiled because, you guessed it, I RAN!!!!  It's been almost a year since I last went for a run so I'm super excited about this!!!  I was expecting to run a mile right off the bat since that's what I was able to last do, but I didn't stop and think about how long it had been since I last ran and how long it took me to get to that point, so I am quasi excited to say I ran about a 1/2 mile out of the whole mile, so I am going to be optimistic and say that that isn't too bad since I haven't done such a thing for so very long :)  Only can get better from that :D

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