Thursday, March 17, 2011

Day# 76

Today I am thankful for getting to spend this wonderful day with my monkey :)  We ended up having quite a bit of fun today at the St Patty's Parade in CR!!!!  We ran into Shannon (SV hehe) and she helped get Logan a TON of beaded necklaces to make up for the lack of parade candy we got (I guess I'm a meany cuz I wouldn't let him stand in, literally, the middle of the street in the way just for candy!) :)

Today I smiled just listening to Logan go on while we waited for the parade to start :)  It just amazes me the things that boy thinks about and talks about and how much logic there is behind all of his thoughts, he is smart WAY beyond his years and makes me feel that much more excited to be his Mommy and get to see what lies in store for this little man :)  I love you Monkey Meat!!!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Day# 75

Today I was thankful for a day at home :)  Me and Logan got to spend the whole day in our jammies hangin' out at home :D  We got a bunch of stuff done around the house...the dishes are done, laundry is done, house picked up including cleaning the breezeway from the winter, the toy room and the computer room, the 3 rooms that are too cold to deal with in the winter :)  So my house is now back to the way is supposed to be :)  I even got my screens almost completely cleaned so I can make some more prints soon :)  Yay!  I can't wait to finally get the pillowcases done for our bedroom so I can hopefully get it in some sort of designed order :)

I smiled today when I bid on my very first item on ebay :D  I decided to bid on a diy shirt that says "vegan" on it!  Fingers crossed I will officially have my very first vegan shirt come tomorrow :)  It feel kind of weird in some way though.  I guess I don't feel quite so funny wanting a shirt like that since I've been doing the vegan thing for a year and a half now, but I guess in one aspect I almost feel like stuff like that is pushing your own views on others (I know I over-think things).  Yes I choose to be vegan, and love telling those who ask about it, but by no means do I want people to think I am trying to make EVERYONE choose my lifestyle.  It's a choice that I ran into that I choose to try out and it stuck, but I also understand that it's not for everyone.  There were quite a few shirts and items that I saw for sale that, for the clever factor were funny, but we quite rude if you ask me and are down right mean and that is not even close to what I am trying to go for.  But I am excited to make it known that yes I choose to be vegan and try and do my little part to get the word out about veganism to those I am around :)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day# 74

Today I am thankful/happy to say that I actually got off my bum and started exercising again! :)  Who knew that me of all people would ever be excited to excercise let alone RUN!!  Yes, I said RUN!  Not only that, but I did some yoga this morning as well! Woohoo! Now if I can just keep it up!!!  As Bryan and I were talking about it, I made a plan as to how to get a run in everyday, so now it's just a matter of doing it!!!!!  I'm optimistic still LOL

Today I smiled because, you guessed it, I RAN!!!!  It's been almost a year since I last went for a run so I'm super excited about this!!!  I was expecting to run a mile right off the bat since that's what I was able to last do, but I didn't stop and think about how long it had been since I last ran and how long it took me to get to that point, so I am quasi excited to say I ran about a 1/2 mile out of the whole mile, so I am going to be optimistic and say that that isn't too bad since I haven't done such a thing for so very long :)  Only can get better from that :D

Monday, March 14, 2011

Day# 73

I am VERY thankful for living in a HOUSE in the COUNTRY today!  It was so nice outside today that Logan and I decided to "play" outside this afternoon!  I was able to get almost 2 1/2 flower beds weeded and de-leafed and put down some mulch (well what little mulch I had), now just gotta figure out when Paul's gets their shipment of cocoa mulch so I can get some more!  I'm hoping to get atleast the one finished up so we can figure out what all we need to do to get it ready to become our strawberry patch :)  Me and Logan are so excited for strawberries, its gonna suck not having any this year!  Oh how I love the outdoors when it's not Antarctica!!!!

I smiled today watching Logan outside :)  It usually takes him a bit to warm up to it and he seems to get bored pretty fast outside, but that middle is awesome!  Watching him run around and "shoot the bad guys" and play with his giant legos :D  Today he told me he wanted to plant some acorns, when I asked him what you got from acorns his reply was, "Squirrels!"  Oh he cracks me up :D  Then he showed me exactly where he wants to plant his acorn tree.....right in the middle of the litte bit of backyard we have :) LOL

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Day# 72

So today I am thankful for my car running correctly again!  I was so excited to go to the store cuz I got to spend some much needed quality time with my little japanese beetle!  Oh how I missed it! hehe

Today I smiled because I was able to get all of my laundry COMPLETELY done and put away!  No more hanging everything up to dry around the house for this girl! :)  Altho I didn't mind not having a dryer, I forgot how nice it was to not look like a laundry mat on laundry day!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Day# 71

Today I am thankful for our friends :)  Living in the middle of nowhere, especially in the winter, we don't have people over very often.  When we do I love it!!!  I love having people visit and hang out and eat with us!  I can't wait till it gets nicer out so we can start having people over for fires!  Our fire pit is gonna be a hoppin' place this year if it kills me! LOL  It's so nice and relaxing to be able to be at home with family and friends hanging out and laughing! :)

Today I smiled watching Baby Keagan smiling when Logan would come over to ask me something, it was just too cute!  I know, where's the camera when these things happen, well I was too busy getting my baby fix :D

Friday, March 11, 2011

Day# 70

I am thankful that Bryan is pretty sure he figured out what is wrong with the civic :)  I enjoy our truck and how I can haul with it, but I do not enjoy the amount of gas it takes to get anywhere!  I can't wait to be able to get to drive my japanese beetle once again :)

I smiled today because I got to sit and watch one of my favorite movies from when I was a little one, Wildcats!  Not only that, but Logan sat down and watched it with me too :) (until he fell asleep)  I forgot how cheesy but great that movie is!  I'm glad I remembered to hit the record button at the beginning :)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Day# 69

I had a nice relaxing morning :)  I got the house cleaned up, my photos turned in for class, then got to spend the afternoon with my Monkey Meat :)  Can't ask for much more of a good day :)

I smiled today when I realized I have all of my online class work done till after spring break!  A few less things the I actually HAVE to make sure get done for a whole week :)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Day# 68

Today didn't start of the greatest, but it turned around this afternoon!  I was told (with no negotiation allowed) to GO SHOPPING!  Those who know me very well know that there are certain items that I just can't bring myself to splurge on, and after losing 50 lbs, it was due time to buy some of these items!!!!  So off I went to Victoria's Secret....It took me a while, I had to text Bryan a few times cuz  just couldn't bring myself to spending that much!  Sometimes I forget that I do have my spoiled moments still :)  Thank you babe! :)

I smiled today getting to spend a truely nice, quiet, relaxing evening at home with my 2 favorite boys!  It doesn't seem to happen enough anymore, so I try to enjoy the moments when I can (sometimes easier said than done!) :)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day# 67

What am I thankful for today you ask?!  Well I am thankful for finally finding THE lady to do my hair I think!  Juliet, YOU RAWK!!!!  I am so excited about my new haircut (photo to follow!)  It was nice to get out of the house and have a "girly" afternoon and hang out with someone as rawkin' as Juliet! :)

I smiled today because I was able to get almost all of my project for my graphic design class done in 1 class period! (we have Friday to work on it as well) :)  I was pretty overwhelmed and nervous at the beginning, but I ended the evening with only like 15-20 min left to finish up on Friday! YAY ME!!!!!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Day# 66

Today I am grateful for having atleast a couple of vegan restaurants in this area!  I got to have lunch with the bestest Mommies a girl could ask for and got to share some yummy vegan goodies with them! (see my other blog for more if you wanna know :) )  It was so nice to get out!

I smiled today after Bryan and Ashely were able to get the truck unlocked :)  I was nervous I was gonna have to call the locksmith and totally throw off our Tuesday morning, but they were able to get it open!  Me and Logan got to play with Charlie for a little bit too!  It was so cute watching her and Logan chase Chloe around the house and listen to Charlie squeal everytime she found the cat again!  For as poopy as the evening started, it turned out not quite so bad I spose (besides now needing to get a new back window section for the truck but oh well) :D

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Day# 65

Today I am thankful for my creativity (Lemme point out how odd it feels to be tooting my own horn for once!)  Logan and I decided to run into town and let Bryan rest a bit without us causing a racket and I was able to pick up some stuff to make a couple more blankets!!!!  So far I've only gotten our PB & J blankey done, but by the end of the week, we will also have a St Patrick's Day blankey as well!  Then we are ready to take SP pictures :D YAY!!!!

What made me smile today you ask?  Well getting to hang out with my Mommies and play a couple rounds of Mario Something-or-other on the Wii with them and Logan, it was nice for a change (don't tell Logan I had too much fun playing videogames! hehe)

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Day# 64

So today was an unexpected lazy day (well a lazy day in my terms lol) :)  Logan was being his cough-ing self and after a bit of picking up and waiting for our favorite Dorf to show up, Bryan started getting sick and slept in the chair all day :(  So I got to rummage around the house and get odds and ends today I am thankful for my handyWOman-ness!!!! heheh  I was able to take the basement door off the frame and take it to the basement to store, I made another curtain for my kitchen and then had to swap out one of the curtain rods so I could hang it on my entry door :)  My kitchen is starting to look kinda cute :)  Can't wait for the rest of the house to have some sort of order to it (I'm pretty sure I'm the only one that doesn't think it does already lol)

Today I smiled getting to sit and watch Pixar Shorts with my favorite boys: Logan, Dorf, and Bryan (well Bryan in body not spirit) :)  We had been waiting for them to replay it on tv since Mommy ACCIDENTLY deleted it off the DVR so that made for a good day :)  Not only that but everytime it came back on from a commercial, Logan decided the place to be for watching it was on my lap!  I never get voluntary lap sitting anymore :D  So all in all even tho it was a family sick day, it was kinda relaxing to just be home (altho tip for anyone having a family sick day:  make sure you have toilet paper!  No fun being sick and not having any for bathroom issues and to be able to blow a runny nose, esp when there are 3 runny noses!)

Friday, March 4, 2011

Day# 63

Today I was thankful for the rain!  At this point, if it's raining that means it's not freezing cold outside!  I'll take any warmth I can get at this point!  Bring on the nice weather! :)

I smiled today getting to snuggle with my monkey meat after we got our errands ran :)  I love my snuggle time whenever I can sneak some in :)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

day# 62

Today I was thankful for the research paper I had done last semester :). Because of it, I was able to book right through my concept paper I had to finish up today! I even already had some quotes wrote down to use! :). Without that, I don't know what I would have done!

Logan made me smile this evening watching him and his classmates sing at Lakeview's kindergarten music concert! I started tearing up listening to the song they sang about their mommies :) I was the bestest song I've ever heard hehe :D

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day# 61

So I was finally able to get back to help Heather move the last of her big stuff :)  I'm am thankful for having such a good friend that happens to have little ones Logans age that he calls good friends too :)  It's so nice to get together and let the boys play and get to chat it up!  We may not do it very often because of our busy schedules, but when we do I enjoy it very much :)

I smiled today watching all 3 boys be so helpful carrying stuff to the car/truck to move!  At first they were kind of reluctant but once we got them to carry a couple tubs down and they were hooked! :) They were actually fighting over who was gonna carry what and Logan and David tried to sneak out of the apartment (on the third floor) to take the boys' bikes downstairs by themselves!  Luckily they didn't get more than 2 feet in the living room LOL!  No matter what it is that we are doing, no matter how boring or minute, the 5 of us always seem to find a way to make it entertaining :)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Happy March (aka Day# 60)

Today I am thankful for being able to stay at home with my monkey when he is sick and not feel like I'm screwing over someone I work with!  I never in a million years thought I would EVER be able to do this (and I know that it won't last forever) so I am grateful everyday for this chance while Logan is still little enough to be able to help him at school and at home to learn and ejoy life to it's fullest (well, we are still working the kinks out!)

Today I smiled becuase I got to use the Macs in class again (I know, who gets this excited about doing school work on a computer right?)  I'm just amazed how differently things are on Macs but how easy it still is :)  I'm so glad that it isn't very hard cuz I'm so technilogically challenged I don't know if I could be figuring out how to do the same program 2 different ways and not know how to use it to begin with!  My head wouldn't like that too much! :) lol